Manage the address book

Managing logistic site

You can create/modify/delete address thank to

There is two type of address :

  • Address without company : if you don't need to send notification to that address

  • Address with company : if you need to send notification to that address

Exemple of Json :

    "name": "Transport Bouvet",
    "remote_id": "COMP_123_ADR_1",
    "address": "3 rue des champs",
    "city": "Nantes",
    "postcode": "44000",
    "country": "FR",
    "latitude": -52.5561625,
    "longitude": 92.896504,
    "radius": 500,
    "coords_validated": false,
    "is_origin": true,
    "is_destination": true,
    "company": { ---> optionnal
        "pk": 928,
        "remote_id": "COMP_123",
        "trade_number": "12345678901234",
        "name": "Transport Bouvet"

Managing Partner

To create/modify Carrier and Shipper, you need to use :

Please note that a company can have one primary_address and several addresses but partner information are only using primary_address

Last updated